Function random

  • You must configure the generic argument T.

    Generate random data.

    Generates a random data following type the T.

    For reference, this typia.random() function generates only primitive type. If there're some methods in the type T or its nested instances, those would be ignored. Also, when the type T has a toJSON() method, its return type would be generated instead.


    Returns never

    Randomly generated data

    Jeongho Nam -

  • Generate random data.

    Generates a random data following type the T.

    For reference, this typia.random() function generates only primitive type. If there're some methods in the type T or its nested instances, those would be ignored. Also, when the type T has a toJSON() method, its return type would be generated instead.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      Type of data to generate


    Returns Resolved<T>

    Randomly generated data

    Jeongho Nam -