Type Alias Resolved<T>

Resolved: Equal<T, ResolvedMain<T>> extends true ? T : ResolvedMain<T>

Resolved type erased every methods.

Resolved is a type of TMP (Type Meta Programming) type which converts its argument as a resolved type that erased every method properties.

If the target argument is a built-in class which returns its origin primitive type through the valueOf() method like the String or Number, its return type would be the string or number. Otherwise, the built-in class does not have the valueOf() method, the return type would be same with the target argument.

Otherwise, the target argument is a type of custom class, all of its custom methods would be erased and its prototype would be changed to the primitive object. Therefore, return type of the TMP type finally be the resolved object.

Before After
Boolean boolean
Number number
BigInt bigint
String string
Class interface
Native Class or Others No change

Type Parameters

  • T

    Target argument type.

Jeongho Nam - https://github.com/samchon

Kyungsu Kang - https://github.com/kakasoo