Function metadata

  • You must configure the generic argument Types.

    Metadata Application.

    Creates a Metadata application which contains the metadata and components.

    Note that, all of the collection types like Array, Tuple and Objects are stored in the IMetadataApplication.components property. Also, alias types are stored in the IMetadataApplication.aliases property, too.

    Returns never

    Metadata application

    Jeongho Nam -

  • Metadata Application.

    Creates a Metadata application which contains the metadata and components.

    Note that, all of the collection types like Array, Tuple and Objects are stored in the IMetadataApplication.components property. Also, alias types are stored in the IMetadataApplication.aliases property, too.

    Type Parameters

    • Types extends unknown[]

      Tuple of target types

    Returns IMetadataApplication

    Metadata application

    Jeongho Nam -