Function equalsReturn

  • Tests return value with strict equality.

    Tests a function, by wrapping the function and checking its return value through isEquals function. If the return value does not match the expected type, it returns null. Otherwise there's no type error, it returns the result of the function.

    By the way, if you want is not just testing type checking, but also finding detailed type error reason(s), then use assertEqualsReturn or validateEqualsReturn instead.

    On the other hand, if you want to allow any superfluous properties, utilize isReturn, assertReturn or validateReturn instead.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends ((...args: any[]) => any)

      Target function type


    • func: T

      Target function to test

    Returns T extends ((...args: infer Arguments) => infer Output)
        ? Output extends Promise<infer R>
            ? ((...args: Arguments) => Promise<R | null>)
            : ((...args: Arguments) => Output | null)
        : never

    The wrapper function with type tests

    Jeongho Nam -