Function assertGuard

  • Assertion guard of a value type.

    Asserts a parametric value type and throws a TypeGuardError with detailed reason, if the parametric value is not following the type T. Otherwise, the value is following the type T, nothing would be returned, but the input value would be automatically casted to the type T. This is the concept of "Assertion Guard" of a value type.

    If what you want is not asserting but just knowing whether the parametric value is following the type T or not, you can choose the is function instead. Otherwise you want to know all the errors, validate is the way to go. Also, if you want to returns the parametric value when no problem, you can use assert function instead.

    On the other and, if you don't want to allow any superfluous property that is not enrolled to the type T, you can use assertGuardEquals function instead.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      Type of the input value


    • input: T

      A value to be asserted

    • OptionalerrorFactory: ((props: TypeGuardError.IProps) => Error)

      Custom error factory. Default is TypeGuardError

    Returns asserts input is T

    A TypeGuardError instance with detailed reason

    Jeongho Nam -

  • Assertion guard of a value type.

    Asserts a parametric value type and throws a TypeGuardError with detailed reason, if the parametric value is not following the type T. Otherwise, the value is following the type T, nothing would be returned, but the input value would be automatically casted to the type T. This is the concept of "Assertion Guard" of a value type.

    If what you want is not asserting but just knowing whether the parametric value is following the type T or not, you can choose the is function instead. Otherwise you want to know all the errors, validate is the way to go. Also, if you want to returns the parametric value when no problem, you can use assert function instead.

    On the other and, if you don't want to allow any superfluous property that is not enrolled to the type T, you can use assertGuardEquals function instead.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      Type of the input value


    • input: unknown

      A value to be asserted

    • OptionalerrorFactory: ((props: TypeGuardError.IProps) => Error)

      Custom error factory. Default is TypeGuardError

    Returns asserts input is T

    A TypeGuardError instance with detailed reason

    Jeongho Nam -